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In the spirit of the Disney movie "Frozen" and that awesome song "Let it Go" that we keep hearing over and over. I thought "Letting Go" was appropriate and needed to be talked about. It is something that I have in the past few weeks understood better than I have ever in my life. Letting go seems to be one of the hardest lessons in life. We go through situations in life that sometimes leave us well... with a bad taste in our mouth. Situations that cause us to act a certain way towards an individual or an experience like a bad break up or resentment towards someone for something they said or did. It is evident in our actions when people say things like "oh I don't like that because my ex used to do that" or when we assume things of others from past experiences without giving them a chance to prove themselves. We hold on to so much and sometimes just cannot seem to let it go. Do we mentally block ourselves from overcoming them? I really think we do. Maybe we fear facing our emotions and realizing that we are weak. When we hold on to something that usually means we are not strong enough to face reality. We would rather hold on to the hurt, anger, jealousy, bitterness, and resentment than learn to cope with our emotions and learn to forgive. Forgiving is tough because it requires us to put our pride aside and become vulnerable. Pride is the main vehicle that tells us that we should NOT be the first ones to apologize, that we should NOT be the first ones to talk about our emotions or how something makes us feel. As humans we both have good and bad qualities. People don't realize that just how you feed your body nutrients, you need to feed yourself spiritually also.
What I mean is if you keep feeding "Pride", you will become more prideful. If we keep feeding those bad habits and that negative way of thinking we become more immersed by it. If you need to visually picture it think of someone who is obese spiritually. That means they are heavy with emotions carrying resentment, anger, bitterness, and they therefore become heavy with with all of these burdens. So heavy to the point where they feel down, lost and hopeless because they have piled and piled so much emotion. However, if we learn to LET GO of some of those feelings we spiritually become lighter and more spiritually fit (new term I think I just invented). Just like someone who is trying to get in shape they try to feed themselves the right nutrients, we need to feed ourselves the positive things in life. We should be conscience of what we are feeding ourselves spiritually with the choices we make just like with real food. For example, even though those Twinkies are delicious you, after you eat one or ten you consciously now feel guilty because you ate it. So I want to encourage you all to be more conscience of what you feed yourself spiritually day to day. Is it weighting you down or is it helping you get more spiritually fit? Forgiveness and letting go is such a beautiful and rewarding thing to do no matter what age or stage in your life you are in. Letting go of any hurt, pain, and even memories is not easy, but it is ever so freeing. Yes, we are meant to learn lessons from our mistakes, but we are not meant to dwell on them. Can you imagine how heavy those things weigh on us? Letting go ultimately means giving control away. By letting go you are setting yourself free of even some choices that you did not make for yourself. We did not have the choice of where we were born, or to be raised in a single parent house hold or to be short, tall, black, white, brown, gay, straight, rich or poor. We should not dwell on what we cannot control, we should embrace who we are, and more then anything let go of whatever is holding us back. Ultimately, letting go means letting God step in and let it be what he has planned it to be.
Lastly, I want to share this amazing poem that was shared with me. Read it, and then reread it again and again and again. I also want you all to remember that travelers pack light, so they can travel further. So lets work on letting go of things that are just weighting us down, and not letting us be happy with who we are and where we are in life.
Pack light my friends, we are going far!
PS. I am sorry for my cheesiness, I couldn't help myself :)
"To Let Go Takes Love"
To let go does not mean to stop caring
It means I can't do it for someone else
To let go does not enable, but to allow
Learning from natural consequences.
To let go is to admit powerlessness, which
means the outcome is not in my hands.
To let go is not to care for, but to care ABOUT.
To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be him or herself.
To let go is not to be in middle arranging all the outcomes
but to allow others to determine their own destinies.
To let go is not to be less protective, it is to permit another to face reality.
To let go is not to dominate but to be willing to let things happen.
To let go is not to betray the past, but to have faith in the future.
To let go means to fear less, and love more.
By: Unknown author
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